Thursday, March 20, 2008

journal #5

My weekend? My weekend was fantastic. I have finally figured  out who to ask to prom. You see, i've never been much of a player, or the guy who always gets the girls or the guy who even asks the girls. it's always been secured that she would say yes cause they were either my friend or unfortunately short-term girlfriend. But here it's different. I have met a girl that is great and that i've grown to like. She's very pretty and lives in sunriver. So it's a little bit of a drive to meet her but i can deal with that. The trouble is, "how do i ask her?" How do i ask her!? i was thinking chocolate and a rose with a small stuffed animal. nothing big but simple and sweet. what you guys think eh? cause she's not my girlfriend, just someone i happen to have one of those small crushes on. the typical high school crush thing. but i don't take it lightly. i want to be a good prom date. possibly boyfriend if she's interested. but back to prom, here's the plan. me and all my friends want to rent a limo, a stretched hummer limo. :) sweet eh? also i wanted to take her to the nice dinner and just have a great time. enough of this topic, next..... what else did i do this weekend? i did a bunch of guitar. I'm learning to play. it's fantastic. i tell ya, it gets in your blood. cause I'm in love with it. I'm trying to learn this song called camel's night out by Eric Johnson. He's the greatest guitar player in the world. rated numo uno twice by other guitar players. so it's really difficult and really fast. but i think i can do it. so i'm gonna be practicing that major. now i've only been playing for a month or so, so i should have a ways to go but if i can master this song, it will greatly improve my skill.... hopefully. 

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