Tuesday, March 11, 2008

journal #4

It was not quite what i had planned. No siree, not at all. You see, it all started way back when, last week actually. My best friend, sammy, was finishing up work at the cafe. She had told me earlier that she had a stalker of some sort. So, me being a very concerned friend, i camped out in my car eating donuts and listening to alice cooper. But then i saw him, the creeper, the man in the dark. He had a bushy unibrow with shady glasses that gave him the nerdy, creepy and desperate look to him. I got out of my car, wiping the white powder from the donuts, and set out in a calm, yet aggressive stride toward him. I had to play it cool you see, so i casually started a conversation. "How's the apple pie here my friend?" i asked in a curious tone. "It's great stuff i tell ya" he replied with a snickering smile. "especially when she makes it." He pointed a steady finger toward sammy. He was deliberate when he said it. That's what made this difficult. He was confident, not a good trait for me to deal with, he was gonna be hard to get rid of. Among the years as a professional stocker cleaner, i have learnt to deal with people like this. But he was different, he had this intensity about him. But never the less, i had a job to do. Sammy had already paid me in 2 dozen donuts so i couldn't possibly let her down. 
I ordered some coffee and waited till he left the store, and that was when i brought him to earth. But little did i know...

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